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Arbitrary Sizes

Just like plain CSS or UnoCSS, Anu also provides flexibility with component sizing. You are not limited to sizes like sm, lg, xl, etc. With Anu you can have infinity sizes that auto adjust the font as well.

Anu mostly uses em unit for applying padding, height, width, etc. You can leverage this to create custom sizes as you want by just using font size utilities.



When using arbitrary font sizes, UnoCSS doesn't add line-height along with font-size property, so if you have line height issue, do consider adding line height styles as well.

Predefined Sizes

You can also create your own predefined sizes like size prop in other frameworks using custom classes & shortcuts.

  <ABtn class="size-xl">Button</ABtn>

Now you can create a new shortcut for this 'btn': '[&.size-xl]-p-8',. You can also take it further with dynamic shortcuts and other UnoCSS features.

Released under the MIT License.