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Anu means Atom in Sanskrit ⚛️

What is Anu?

Anu is Vue framework build using UnoCSS & VueUse. It provides ready to use components with great DX & flexibility. It is built with customization in mind.

Anu provides component styles using UnoCSS preset so components are completely unstyled. This allows you to create the UI however you like and shape components according to your design.

Don't forget to checkout the features section.

Why anu?

  • Yes, there's UnoCSS, TailwindCSS, etc but they don't provide ready to use components
  • DX Focused. You will enjoy writing code 💯
  • Configure UI using array instead of writing component's markup again to override
  • It is for lazy people by a lazy person
  • I co-authored premium templates such as Vuexy, Materio, etc so you can expect neat & lovable UI from Anu.
  • Thanks to UnoCSS, VueUse, etc You can now build your desired UI & functionalities in no time using battle tested features.
  • Customization is a piece of cake with Anu. It is as simple as overriding object 🤯


I work at ThemeSelection and for a couple of times I had to build small Vue projects that required UI flexibility. I couldn't use Bootstrap because customization is not straight forward compared to frameworks like UnoCSS, WindiCSS & TailwindCSS.

Then there's a man I really look up to by the name of @antfu who is a great inspiration to me. He has built great tools for the Vue ecosystem and I used them in all of my Vue projects. Now the issue at hand was that setup and components had to be repeated in each project, and there was no component library based on frameworks like UnoCSS to offer components for rapidly and sufficiently constructing UI.

Hence, I created this UI lib which provides ready to use beautiful components with utilities to build UI quickly.

Why not TailwindCSS

You probably didn't read the UnoCSS README.

Why dependencies

Anu is based on UnoCSS, VueUse & Floating UI. Anu is dependent on these dependencies because there is a saying that goes, "Don't reinvent the wheel."

Released under the MIT License.